使用linux近8年时光了,我从开源社区学到很多知识,从学会安装linux,到使用各种软件,从事linux应用软件开发,再到linux内核驱动.不仅是在学校,还是在工作中,开源社区对我帮助很大,感谢那些无私分享代码的牛人,但我却一直因生活奔波没有时间去回馈社区.<做一名开源社区的扫地僧>给我不少的启发,选择一个项目,参与进去,才能真正感受开源带来的财富,不管是物质还是精神层面上的.不管怎样,Just do it.
# all interface export WAN=wlan0 # 获取无线网口的IP地址 export WAN_IP=`ifconfig ${WAN} | grep "inet addr" | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'` export LAN=eth0 # 获取路由器的地址 export REAL_GW=`route | grep default | awk '{print $2}'` # remove all # 清除NAT中的所有规则 iptables -t nat -F # NAT settings # 因为台式机(window)中的GW设置的是10.121.36.1,所以从笔记本上看LAN口收上来的包都是到10.121.36.1的, # 这里就需要DNAT生效了,本质上是把数据包的目的地址给改掉,然后进入路由系统查找出端口 # 那么,下面这句话就是把去10.121.36.1的数据包,修改成${REAL_GW},这里是192.168.1.1 # 原有数据包头: # SRC: DST: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ${LAN} -d -j DNAT --to ${REAL_GW} # 经过上面一句话后,变成 # SRC: DST: # 然后,进入route table,找出端口,在笔记本(linux)上,是default gateway.且是wlan0 # 所以数据包从wlan0走. # 数据包终归要有ACK,如果192.168.1.1回应10.121.36.89这个地址的话,将找不到路由而在路由器上丢弃. # 那么下面这句话,将源地址修改${WAN_IP},这里是192.168.1.4 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ${WAN} -s -j SNAT --to ${WAN_IP} # 最终,出wlan0的数据包就是: # SRC: DST: 数据包从wlan口回来的时候就执行反操作.把数据发送给台式机(windows).
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE
刘苏平的博客 http://www.liusuping.com/ubuntu-linux/iptables-firewall-setting.html
IPsec是一种虚拟网络的应用,可以将internet虚成企业网来用,比如,公司在上海和北京都有办公区,两边为了能互相访问方便,一种解决方法是租用一条专用路线,物理上保证带宽和传输安全性,但是这样造价很高,有了VPN可以在inetenet上做一个逻辑层面上的网络,数据在彼此交换都使用AH或ESP方式对IP头部/载荷进行加密认证.这样保证了传输的安全性,但带宽就不好保证了, 总体来说VPN是较好的解决方案,节省成本.
IpSec工作在两种模式下:传输模式, 隧道模式.区别与隧道模式,传输模式对IP头部不再次封装,而隧道模式会根据配置规则把原始数据包封装到一个新的IP数据包中.
严格的来说, AH不是一种加密方式,而是对数据的校验或称数字签名.校验范围如下:
| ip header | AH header | ip payload |
| ------- verify scope ---------------|
发送过程中,增加一个AH头部,使用hash算法将IP头部+IP数据区进行校验生成fingerpoint,然后对fingerpoint加密填入AH header中.
使用C编写windows服务程序(Five Steps)
Windows services are convenient for running background apps and for performing tasks that don't require user interaction. And C (not C++) is the best choice for learning the basics of these console applications. Build and implement a simple service to query the amount of available physical memory and write the result to a text file. Then use what you've learned to write your own Windows services.
hen I had to write my first NT service, I went to MSDN and looked for samples. There, I found "Creating a Simple Win32 Service in C++, an article by Nigel Thompson with an example written in C++. Though the article explained the process quite well, I still felt I was missing important information. I wanted to understand what functions are called, by what framework, and when, but C++ didn't make this easy. The object-oriented approach was convenient, but since calls for low-level Win32 functions are encapsulated by class, it is insufficient for learning about the essence of the Services. This is why I feel C is more suitable for the first steps in writing services or for implementing services that perform simple background tasks. C++ is worth using only after you gain a more thorough understanding of the subject. When I had to leave the place I worked and I had to transfer my knowledge to another person, it was very easy to explain the essence of NT services using my examples written in C.
A service is a console application that runs in the background and performs tasks that don't require user interaction. The Windows NT/2000/XP operating systems offer special support for service programs. The installed services can be configured through the Services applet, available from the Control Panel in Windows NT or from Control Panel | Administrative Tools in Windows 2000/XP. Services can be configured to start automatically when operating system starts, so you dont have to start each of them manually after a system reboot.
This article explains how to create a service that periodically queries the amount of available physical memory and writes the result to a text file. The next sections guide you through the process of building, installing, and implementing the service.
Step 1: The main Function and Global Definitions
First, include the required header files. The program invokes Win32 functions (windows.h) and writes to file on disk (stdio.h):
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
Next, define two constants:
#define SLEEP_TIME 5000
#define LOGFILE "C:\\MyServices\\memstatus.txt"
SLEEP_TIME specifies the time period in milliseconds between two consecutive queries for available memory. Use this constant in Step 2, when writing the worker loop of your service. LOGFILE defines the path to the log file for the memory queries results that you output using the WriteToLog function:
int WriteToLog(char* str)
FILE* log;
log = fopen(LOGFILE, "a+");
if (log == NULL)
return -1;
fprintf(log, "%s\n", str);
return 0;
Declare several global variables to share their values across multiple functions of your program. Also, make the forward definitions of functions prototypes:
void ServiceMain(int argc, char** argv);
void ControlHandler(DWORD request);
int InitService();
Now, that the preparation work is done, you can start coding. Service programs are a subset of console applications. Therefore, you begin by defining the main function, which is the entry point to the program. In case of services, the code for main will be surprisingly short, since it just creates the dispatch table and starts the control dispatcher:
void main()
ServiceTable[0].lpServiceName = "MemoryStatus";
ServiceTable[0].lpServiceProc = (LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTION)ServiceMain;
ServiceTable[1].lpServiceName = NULL;
ServiceTable[1].lpServiceProc = NULL;
// Start the control dispatcher thread for our service
A program may contain several services. Each of them must be listed in the special dispatch table (this program defines ServiceTable array for this purpose). Each entry in this table is in the SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY structure, which has two fields:
- lpServiceName: a pointer to a string with a service name; must be specified when multiple services are defined.
- lpServiceProc: a pointer to a service main function (entry point of a service).
The last entry of the dispatch table must have NULL pointers for the service name and service main function fields. In this case, the program only hosts a single service, so defining the service name is optional.
The Services Control Manager (SCM) is the process that manages all the services in the system. When the SCM starts a service, it waits for the main thread of a process to call the StartServiceCtrlDispatcher function. Pass the dispatch table to StartServiceCtrlDispatcher. This transforms the main thread of the calling process into the control dispatcher. The dispatcher starts a new thread that runs the ServiceMain function of each service in the dispatch table (in this case, only one service). The dispatcher also monitors the execution of all the services in the program. The dispatcher then passes the control requests from the SCM to the service.
NOTE: If the StartServiceCtrlDispatcher function is not called for 30 seconds, an error is reported. To avoid this, initialize a service inside the ServiceMain function (as in the example) or in a separate thread rather than in the main function. The service described in this article does not require such precautions.
The StartServiceCtrlDispatcher call returns after all of the services in the dispatch table have finished executing (for example, after a user stops them from using the Service applet), or when an error occurs. The main process then terminates.
Step 2: The ServiceMain Function
Listing 1 shows the code for ServiceMain. This function is the entry point of a service. It runs in a separate thread, which is created by the control dispatcher. ServiceMain should register the control handler for a service as soon as possible. Do this by calling the RegisterServiceCtrlHadler function. You will pass two arguments to this function: the service name and the pointer to the ControlHandlerfunction.
This instructs the control dispatcher to invoke the ControlHandler function to handle SCM control requests. After registering the control handler, obtain the status handle (hStatus). Use hStatus to report the service's status to the SCM by calling the SetServiceStatus function.
In Listing 1 shows how to initialize the ServiceStatus structure specifying the service characteristics and its current state. Each ServiceStatus structure fields has a purpose:
- dwServiceType: indicates the type of service. Author Win32 service; assign the SERVICE_WIN32 value.
- dwCurrentState: specifies the current state of the service. Since initialization of a service has not been finished at this point, set the SERVICE_START_PENDING status.
- dwControlsAccepted: this field will inform the SCM which fields the service accepts. In this case, allow STOP and SHUTDOWN requests. Handling control requests is discussed in Step 3.
- dwWin32ExitCode and dwServiceSpecificExitCode: these fields are useful when you are terminating the service and want to report the detailed exit code. Since, you will initialize the service and will not exit, assign 0 values.
- dwCheckPoint and dwWaitHint: these fields indicate the progress of a service when it performs an initialization longer than 30 seconds . This service has a very short initialization procedure, so assign 0 values to both fields.
Report the service's status to the SCM by calling the SetServiceStatus function. This supplies the hStatus handle and the ServiceStatus structure. Notice that ServiceStatus is global, so you can use it across multiple functions. In the ServiceMain function, you assign values to several structure fields that will remain unchanged during the whole run of service, such as dwServiceType.
After reporting the status of the service, you can proceed to the initialization. Do this by calling the InitService function. This function simply adds the Monitoring started. string to the log file. Here is the code:
// Service initialization
int InitService()
int result;
result = WriteToLog("Monitoring started.");
In ServiceMain, test the return value of the InitService function. If there was an initialization error (in this case, it may happen if writing to the log failed), set the service status to stopped and exit the ServiceMain:
error = InitService();
if (error)
// Initialization failed; we stop the service
ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED;
ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = -1;
SetServiceStatus(hStatus, &ServiceStatus);
// exit ServiceMain
If initialization was successful, report the running status to the SCM:
// We report the running status to SCM.
ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState =
SetServiceStatus (hStatus, &ServiceStatus);
Next, start the worker loop. Every five seconds, query the available physical memory and write the result to the log file.
As seen in Listing 1, the loop continues until the current state of the service is SERVICE_RUNNING or until an error writing to the log file occurs. The state may be altered by the ControlHandler function in response to a SCM control request.
Step 3: Handling Control Requests
In Step 2, you used the ServiceMain function to register the control handler function. The control handler is very similar to the window callback function that processes various Windows messages. It checks what request was sent by the SCM and acts accordingly.
Each time you call the SetServiceStatus function, you must specify that the service accepts the STOP and SHUTDOWN requests. Listing 2 shows how to handle them in the ControlHandler function.
The STOP request is sent when the SCM stops the service. For example, if the user manually stops the service from the Services applet, the SHUTDOWN request is issued to all running services by the SCM, when the machine shuts down. Both cases are handled identically:
- Writing to the log file Monitoring is stopped.
- The SERVICE_STOPPED state is reported to the SCM.
Since the ServiceStatus structure is global to the whole program, the worker loop in ServiceMain stops after the current state changes and the service thread terminates. There are other control requests, such as PAUSE and CONTINUE, that are not handled in this example.
The control handler function must report the service status, even if that status remains the same, every time the SCM sends a control request. Hence, SetServiceStatus is called in response to all requests.
![]() |
Figure 1: The Services applet displaying the MemoryStatus service. |
Step 4: Installing and Configuring a Service
The program is ready and may be compiled into an exe file. I created MemoryStatus.exe and copied it into C:\MyServices folder on my computer. To install this service on your operating system, you'll need to use the SC.EXE executable, which comes with the Win32 Platform SDK tools. You will use this utility to install and remove the service. The other control operations will be done through the Services applet.
Here is the command-line to install your MemoryStatus service:
sc create MemoryStatus binpath= c:\MyServices\MemoryStatus.exe
Issue the create command. This specifies the service name and path to the binary file (notice the space between binpath= and the path). You can now use the Services applet to control the service (see Figure 1).
Start and stop the service using the toolbar of the applet.
![]() |
Figure 2: The Properties window for the MemoryStatus service |
The startup type of MemoryStatus is manual, which means that it will start only on-demand. Right-click on the service and choose Properties from the context menu, to get the properties window for the service (Figure 2). This is where you can alter the startup type along with other settings. You can also start/stop the service from the General tab.
To remove the service from the system, execute the following command:
sc delete MemoryStatus
Specify the delete option and the service name. The service will be marked for deletion and will be completely removed after the next restart.
Step 5: Testing Your Service
Start the MemoryStatus service from the Services applet. If there are no initialization errors, the execution should start successfully. Wait for a while, then stop the service. Examine the service's output in the memstatus.txt file under the C:\MyServices folder. On my computer, I obtained the following:
Monitoring started.
Monitoring stopped.
To test the behavior of the MemoryStatus service in case of errors, you can make the memstatus.txt file read-only. In this setting, the service will not start.
Remove the read-only attribute, start the service, and reapply read-only. The service should stop its execution because writing to the log fails. If you refresh the contents of the Services applet, you will see that service status is stopped.
On to Bigger and Better Servcies
Understanding the basic concepts of Win32 services, allows you to better use C++ for designing a wrapper class. A wrapper class hides the calls to the low-level Win32 functions and provides a comfortable generic interface. Alter the MemoryStatus program code to create your own services that fit your needs! To perform more complicated tasks than one demonstrated in this article, you can create multithreaded services to divide the job between several worker threads and monitor their execution from the ServiceMain function.
1. 介绍
网上有很多pygame的入门教程,但它们很多都是讲基本的。甚至Pygame book也属于介绍性级别的。为了更进一步提高对pygame的掌握,我决定写一个我自己的教程,希望能为使用pygame的人提供更进一步的合理学习。
2. 写在前面
1. Python(你可能不是它的高级用户,但也完全不是一个初学者)。
2. 数学和物理学的基本知识(向量,正方形,运动定律,概率等等)。我会解释所有非常见的知识点,但我不会教你怎么增加向量,等等。
3. 对pygame的认知。比如,你已经学习过我之前提到的介绍性的pygame教程。、
3. 让我们开始吧

虽然这称不上是一个游戏,但这是我们实现更多不同想法的好的起点。I’ll leave myself the luxury of postponing the decision of which game it will eventually be, for now.
4. 代码
5. pygame的文档
6. 爬虫
- 我们想让爬虫能在屏幕上移动
- 爬虫的总数是可以轻易的配置的
- 爬虫碰到墙后能反弹
- 为让游戏更有趣,爬虫需要表现出半随机的动作
爬虫是怎么移动的?如果你确定读过一个基本的pygame教程(没有吗?),你会知道移动其实是一种幻觉。电脑屏幕上没真正移动的东西。其实,程序会对一系列图片以比人眼睛快的多的速度进行移位。每秒30次或更多次刷新,会让图片看上去更加平滑。为了实现周期性的刷屏,游戏有一个"game loop"
7. 游戏循环
# The main game loop # while True: # Limit frame speed to 50 FPS # time_passed = clock.tick(50) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: exit_game() # Redraw the background screen.fill(BG_COLOR) # Update and redraw all creeps for creep in creeps: creep.update(time_passed) creep.blitme() pygame.display.flip()
8. 在循环之前
现在让我们看看在主循环之前都做了那些事情:ow let’s see what comes before the main loop:
# Game parameters
BG_COLOR = 150, 150, 80
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# Create N_CREEPS random creeps.
creeps = []
for i in range(N_CREEPS):
( randint(0, SCREEN_WIDTH),
randint(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT)),
( choice([-1, 1]),
choice([-1, 1])),
class Creep(Sprite): """ A creep sprite that bounces off walls and changes its direction from time to time. """ def __init__( self, screen, img_filename, init_position, init_direction, speed): """ Create a new Creep. screen: The screen on which the creep lives (must be a pygame Surface object, such as pygame.display) img_filaneme: Image file for the creep. init_position: A vec2d or a pair specifying the initial position of the creep on the screen. init_direction: A vec2d or a pair specifying the initial direction of the creep. Must have an angle that is a multiple of 45 degres. speed: Creep speed, in pixels/millisecond (px/ms) """
creeps.append(Creep(screen, choice(CREEP_FILENAMES), ( randint(0, SCREEN_WIDTH), randint(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT)), ( choice([-1, 1]), choice([-1, 1])), 0.1))
首先,我们传递screen surface给爬虫类。爬虫将使用它判读如何从墙上反弹回来,如何去绘制自己。
其次,爬虫可以从图片列表中任意选择一个(choice是一个标准的python模块),它有一个屏幕随机位置,随机的方向,移动速度被设定为0.1像素/每毫秒,或者说100个像素/秒。英文原地址 http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2008/12/13/writing-a-game-in-python-with-pygame-part-i/